Saturday, May 31, 2008


I hate being sick. It's the worst ever, and now I have the weirdest sickness I've ever had. Monday night my throat started to hurt and it killed to swallow/talk. It was worse when I woke up the next morning and I felt like I had strep, so I went to the doctor to be tested, but turns out I didn't have strep but rather some sort of viral thing. So Tuesday was strep throat day, Wednesday was killer migraine that makes you want to kill yourself, Thursday was sneezing, coughing, wheezing day, Friday was combination of it all and today seems to be another day of wheezing and coughing so much that you have to lie down before you pass out. Fun, eh?!

Monday, May 26, 2008


I have FINALLY finished my application to the nursing program!! It has been a long journey, but it's done now! Here is a little sum up of my application:

-Impromptu Essay. Go in at 7:45 am and have 50 minutes to write a complete essay from the topics presented. My options: death, integrity in nursing, or someone I am grateful for. I wrote about how I cope with death and how that will help with nursing.
-Polished Essay. I started writing the one page essay in February. Combined, it took about 5 hours to get a rough draft of my essay about experiences that have helped contribute to nursing. Then my parents and I took about 4 hours disecting every sentence until it was perfect.
-Became certified in CPR and Adult First Aid. Had to get front and back copy of my cards.
-Service List. Had to think of EVERY bit of service that I have done in the past 5 years. Not an easy task.
-Resume. Trying to make yourself look impressive on a piece of paper is not always easy.
-Fill out form after form of personal information, right to a background check, etc etc. It took forever.
-Letters of recommendation. Had to get two people to fill out forms for recommendation and had them mail it back to me because it needed to be in to the Advisement Center no earlier than May 12, and no later than May 30. what a pain.

BUT ITS FINISHED!! now I just have to sit around and wait. I'll probably find out one month from tomorrow...............

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

not dead!

I cant believe it has really almost been a full month since I have posted on my blog. oops. I said I would update it and so I will. Of course, I'm really not sure that anybody really checks this, so maybe no one even noticed. That's my vote.
No fears though! I am alive and happy. It's good to be home. I have really enjoyed being home with my family and my friends, although I really have not seen too many friends, which is really kinda sad. But it's ok, they get out of school really late for the most part.
I got a job! I am going to start working at Clover Patch Camp in the beginning of June. It's a camp for mentally and physically handicapped children and adults. It will definitely not be a pretty job, but it will be a really good experience for me, and will look good on my application to the nursing program! :) It could be brutal though. I start work Sunday and 11 and go until Friday at 3. I only work 8 weeks of the summer though, so that is nice. But I have to stay overnight and only get 2 hours off a day. I don't know all the little technical points of the job, like when I can come home and when I have to stay, but hopefully all of these things will sort out in time!
Finally, my application is almost finished! I have my package with the letters and forms ready to be mailed tomorrow, and I have the essay written out ready to be edited, and my resume ready to be emailed in. It should be done hopefully by the end of this week! then it's just the wait...