Saturday, August 30, 2008

you wish you looked this good.

So I've moved into Provo and today I finished my last step to my nursing prep. I went and got drug tested, got my box of nursing supplies that were shipped to my aunt's house, and went scrub shopping. Look how stylish these suckas are. The one on the right is my BYU nursing uniform (notice the BYU blue) and the one on the left is just for kicks. It was deciding between this one and the one with the little teddy bears waving that just seems to be practically a staple for nurses. But then again, if I was to ever purchase those, I would never be able to show my face in public, which kinda defeats the purpose.

Monday, August 25, 2008

oh no...

My family mocks me. They mock me for lots of different reasons, but this week, the mocking is about my packing. Eric and I fly to Provo Thursday morning. However, I have already started to pack, which is apparently cause for mocking. But the thing is, I know myself and I know that I have a LOT of stuff to pack. So go ahead, mock me for starting early to try and find a way to stuff everything in my suitcase and trying to make it under 50 lbs. I don't mind. I know I'll find some way later down the road to mock you :)
But to be totally honest, I probably deserve to be mocked for all of the stuff I have to try and fit in 2 suitcases, both under 50 pounds! Yikes!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Look

I finally got my act together. It's taken a while, but I finally installed Photoshop 6 on my new laptop, transferred over my scrapbooking kits, sat down to do some actual scrapbooking, and voila! A new look for the blog!! Let me know what you think! Any suggestions for changes?
And for the record, I know it is a little crooked at the top. But I cant figure out how to change it and I'm too lazy to keep trying. Maybe some day I'll figure it out.....if you know how to do it, let me know!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Shopping List

There is usually a variety of things on people's shopping lists, but here's a list of the things that I need purchase:

-Blood Pressure Cuff
-Bandage Scissors
-Reflex Hammer
-Retractable Tape Measure
-White Lab Coat
-Otoscope--whatever that is!
-Two name tags
and most random of all: tuning fork. Any ideas what I might need that for!?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And On A Serious Note...

This summer seems like it has flown by so fast, and I don't know where it went. It probably vanished somewhere between working 2 months straight, and watching every episode of Alias. One way or another, Eric and I fly out to school in 2 weeks. The more I think about it, the more nervous I am about this year. I'm not sure I'll be able to take complete care of myself. Grocery shopping, cooking, paying for things on my own....things that I've thought I'd be able to do, but the more I think about it the more freaked out I get. And then obviously there is the most important matter of school. My schedule is a killer, which I knew it would be, but I'm not sure I will be able to handle it. I didn't get to choose my schedule, the Nursing Program pretty much chose it for me and it's quite a challenge: Microbiology 221, Microbiology 222, New Testament, Nutrition, Anatomy, and Nursing 294. Now to you, especially those no longer in school, this may not seem like a lot, but to me it seems like suicide. But most likely, this semester/year is just preparing me for how the rest of my college years will be so I guess I should just get used to this feeling of insecurity and never being ready.

Monday, August 4, 2008

And the Award goes to....

So my job as a Clover Patch Camp counselor finished on Friday.  I wish I could say that I am sad, but we all know what happens to liars. Just kidding. I am a little sad to see my new friends leave. I'm not sad to be done changing the diapers/showering adult males. I'm not sad that I no longer have to chop up my campers food into miniscule pieces and then out of habit, accidently do it to my own food. No, I'm not sad about that, but I am a wee bit sad that my international friends are gone. No matter the drama they stirred up or how annoying they were. I will never  see them again. (Score!) 
To celebrate the end of the camp, we had a banquet on Friday night, where we all got dolled up, had real food, got awards, and reflected on pictures from the summer. We also took approximately 100000^1000 pictures. As much fun as taking pictures was, the distribution of awards was my favorite part of the night. However,  I am not sure how I feel about the award I got. Should I take it personally that I got the award "The Biggest Chatterbox"? Or should I be excited that I didn't get a more offensive award, like "Most Likely to Appear on Jerry Springer"? I suppose that award does fit, since I am a big fan of talking and telling stories. My specialties are the stories that end when my friends say "and then did you find $100 on the ground?". Yes. I am proud to have gotten the Biggest Chatterbox award rather than the "Most Likely to Pop Up on YouTube" award that I thought I was for sure going to get thanks to my stupidity on the swings (if you haven't seen that yet, you are totally missing out. Get to my facebook pronto! It will be worth it!) So here's to the Biggest Chatterbox, and not Most Likely to Get Arrested! Cheers!