"Congratulations! Your application for entrance to the Nursing program at BYU has been reviewed and the College of Nursing Acceptance Committee has voted to grant you acceptance to the program for Fall 2008"
Well, today was the day that I have been looking forward to for months and months. But the waiting is now over and I am pleased to announce that I have been accepted to BYU School of Nursing! Although I don't know the exact number of applicants, the most recent number I heard was around 400. We were going for 45 spots. It's such a relief to get that burden off my shoulders!! And now I am so excited that I know what I am going to be doing with my life :)
Italy 2016
8 years ago
You have had a blog since April and didn't even tell me? I thought our friendship meant SOMETHING to you, but clearly I was wrong.
Oh, and congratulations on getting into the nursing school. Whatever.
Just kidding, that's amazing and I am SO proud of you!
Yes, you are incredible. Also, thank you muchly for your help earlier today with the webcam thing for Eric. Twas delightful. Or if I'm talking Eric speak, "It was most wonderful to have talked with him. I was very pleased."
I didn't know you had a blog, until I saw your comment on Erin's! And I'm so proud of you for being a nurse, you are lovely.
Let me prepare you for your first lesson in Nursing School: they will surely instruct you to bring up disgusting body functions at every mealtime. I've never eaten with a nurse who didn't talk about something gross at the table.
I sat next to a woman at dinner at YW Camp last week and she started in on the story about buying suppositories in China. Hello. I asked her if she was a nurse; no, she was a doctor. I hit the jackpot.
Congratulations about school...but I'll be sitting across the room from you at the next ward social.
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