Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm not dead!!

It's been so long, let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is Melissa. I'm a 5'6" beautiful brunette who enjoys laughing, movies and long walks on the beach. I know some of you think that after I came out here to college for my sophomore year, I dropped off the face of the earth and died. Good news, although I have had some seriously close calls, I'm still alive!! Breathing in and out (RR:14--little nursing talk for ya!). Heart beating (PR varies depending on how close I am to an episode). And now, I have no excuse and its time to update on my life!! School is ridiculously hard and wearing me thin, but I'm trying so hard to stay on top. Even if that means that pretty much every night I get to hear the lovely midnight music at the library. There's nothing that makes you want to leave the library as quickly as possible more than elevator music loud enough to make your body shake. I just keep reminding myself that people have gone through nursing school many many times before and they are still alive so I can do it! ha ha

This is an exciting week. Although I have a ridiculous amount of exams/quizzes, I'm super happy because Dad and Scott are here! And yesterday Erin and Justin came down to visit too! It has been so much fun, even though I haven't gotten any studying done. Good thing I was anticipating that. ha ha. Dad left tonight, but it was still so fun to have him here. Scott's here until Tuesday at midnight so I've got plenty of time left with him. Yay!!Yup. I love my family :)

This is pretty much my favorite picture ever with my favorite people ever!

I think this is such a cute picture of the 3 friends!

Ok, well the pictures below are from last week. We had Homecoming week and part of the Homecoming hoop-la is True Blue football! Let me paint a picture for you: Helaman Fields, completely COVERED with bright blue foam, and several hundreds of people. It was amazing. We played flag football, had "foam fights", played volleyball, and slid down the hill on our stomachs. Tae and I even had some sort of sumo wrestler fight. Definitely got some pretty interesting looks from that one. It was so slick and so much fun! Somehow, I got dye in places that I didn't even know COULD be dyed and I'm not even kidding, I still have blue in my hair and on my stomach. Ha ha. It was so much fun though!
Clint, Tae, Me and Josh

Pretty much the most amazing picture of the two most amazing roommates ever! :)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Go to the library during finals to hear some awesome closing time music. I think they played Star Wars my Freshman year- some friends ran around the library in Darth Vader capes when it came on. Also, I think I heard they do good music on Halloween too, but that's a Friday night, and if you're at the library at midnight on a Friday, especially the Friday of Halloween, you don't deserve to hear good closing music.