So I knew that this year was going to be a big year for me to make decisions, but now that I have to make some of these decision very soon (like from a few days to 2 months) it's getting quite a bit overwhelming!!
-Stay in Provo for a one day clinical next semester or switch to Primary's Children hospital for 2 days? Convenience vs. Experience (this decision has to be made by tomorrow haha)
-Ghana or Taiwan?
-Move, or stay put?
-Stay friends, or pursue something more with a person?
-Aim for graduation or just drop out and move home?
That last one sure is tempting :) Just kidding!
Italy 2016
8 years ago
Just drop out and move to LOGAN! I think that makes all of those decisions for you!
Why does it feel like everyone I know (including myself) has a million decisions to make right now? Is that what comes with the territory when you're a 20 year old LDS BYU female student?
How about I'll trade ya for 3 weeks. I'll make those big decisions for ya, and you can start and finish my senior thesis and be horribly sick, sound good? Sounds good to me! Oh! AND you'll get to be here in Idaho...and I guess date Robert since you'll be me for a while. ;D
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