Monday, September 1, 2008


So I have the most amazing roommate. Wanna know why? She was able to score our group of friends south endzone, front row tickets for the ENTIRE season. Shall I repeat for all those who think they are cool because they had front row tickets for one game (cough cough Erin)? I have FRONT ROW TICKETS for the ENTIRE 2008 SEASON!! Yay bab-ay!!

Bekah came to visit and got to help Cosmo crowd surf! See her?
Look at the concerned look on her face ha

roommates-Tae, Melissa, and Rachel

Front Row!!


Erin said...

Yeah, but the BYU v Utah game is at U of U this year, so guess I'm still the only one who had front row seats to that one. HA.

But still, that's pretty sweet, you're right. And yes, I would love to decorate your apartment. Just make a request and I will ship your requested item to you.

Mike and Heidi said...

Wow, I can't tell you how jealous we are and how envious Mike is that you have front row season tickets!!! It looks like you all had a great time. Go cougars!