Thursday, July 9, 2009

Best Week of Summer 09

It has been my experience that each summer has a highlight. Usually about a week. In summer 07, it was when Nerece and Megan flew up to visit me (you would think it would be my trip to London and Ireland, but that was longer than a week, so it doesn't count ha). In Summer '08, it was going down to Virginia with my whole family to visit once Eric had gotten home from his mission. And now, I present the award for Best Week of Summer 2009 to Brian's visit to New York. If you didn't know that he was coming, that's okay. I barely knew either. The last full week of June, Brian and I were talking about how we wished that we could get together at some point during the summer before I fly back out west on August 11. So just for kicks I looked up tickets for Brian's break from school July 1-5 and lo, and behold i found a ticket for $114. Does life get any better than that?! I submit that it cannot. There was a little bit of rescheduling that needed to be done, some airline shuffling, but it became official 4 days before he left. haha. It was nice not having to wait very long. So Brian flew into Albany wayyy late on Tuesday night (the 30th of June) and left early in the morning on Sunday the 5th. We had SUCH a good time! Here's snipets of Brian's trip east...

This was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen. My 14 year old brother Craig beat Brian at Guitar Hero on expert with his back to the TV hahaha. In the words of Brian: "I'd feel better about myself if you were some fat lazy kid who did bad at school because all you did was play video games, but you're not..." haha. way to go Craig :)

On Thursday, Brian and I took a drive up to Lake George, a stunning lake and town about an hour away. We went on the Minne-Ha-Ha, a paddleboat/steamboat that takes you on a cruise down the lake. Even though it was rainy towards the end, it was still so nice ;)

Clearly still happy, even in the rain on the cruise.

Brian with his "I rode the Minne-Ha-Ha" sticker

On the pier at Lake George

We are SO attractive.

Friday we took the 3 hour drive to Historic Palmyra. This is Hill Cumorah, where they are setting up for the Pageant (July 10-11, 13-18 for those are you around here)

In front of the gorgeous, but small, Palmyra Temple

The view of the temple from the Smith Farm/Sacred Grove

Sacred Grove

hahahahahaha. We needed to exfoliate. :)

On the 4th of July, we celebrated my 20th birthday (which was July 7th). Brian took this highly attractive picture of Craig. This illustrates the idea that Brian probably had more fun with Craig than he did with me hahaha.

Some exercise clothes I got for my birthday. I also got a couple of AWESOME CDs, a computer sleeve, some decorations for my apartment, necklace from mom, handmade earrings and bracelet from Michelle (thank you so much!!! I love them!) and a picture frame with an awesome picture from Brian.

My mom made a yummy homemade ice cream cake. my favorite :)

Fourth of July sparklers with the Brooksbys.

Brian had to leave two days before my birthday (sad day) but he sent me these gorgeous flowers as a surprise :)

Miss you.


Erin said...

Ok, I just want to clarify that on facebook, when I looked at these same pictures, the one of you "exfoliating" just looked like you put white face paint on each other and then attacked your poor mother. I could not for the life of me tell that it was a mask. The whole thing makes much more sense now.

This looks like fun. Wish I was in NY to see you!

Shelby Ane said...

Best week of Summer 2009 SO FAR! There's still the rest of the never know what could happen...... ;D