In all living, have much fun and laughter, life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. --Gordon B. Hinckley
Friday, June 12, 2009
My Life Would Suck Without You!
I know I know, two posts in two days. I'm such a hypocrite. I say my life is busy and then do this haha. (no really, my life is busy!) But I just got back from seeing Kelly Clarkson perform at UVUphoria with Cassie and we had SUCH a blast! It was so nice to get away and have just a really good time with one of my best friends. Even the rain (that started RIGHT when Kelly Clarkson got on stage) was nice because it created an AWESOME double rainbow that went all across the sky and just looked amazing. Cassie and I had such a fun time jumping and dancing around singing Kelly Clarkson songs at the top of our lungs. I don't care what you say, that girl's got talent. (and so do Cassie and I, if you watch the video of us singing hahaha) It was such a good time!
from the view of your pictures, i think you were in pretty much the same spot that my roommate was for that concert, haha. gahh, i wish i could have gone! hope you had fun!
I'm a nursing student at BYU, but I'm taking a break to serve a mission in Kirtland Ohio until December 2011! If you love me, you should write me...I'll make it worth your time :) OR, if you're feeling ambitious, come to Kirtland to learn some church history! I'll be the one with a black name tag on my shirt and a big smile on my face :)
from the view of your pictures, i think you were in pretty much the same spot that my roommate was for that concert, haha. gahh, i wish i could have gone! hope you had fun!
Hey Melissa! I didn't know you had a blog. I will have to take the name suggestion into consideration :) haha. See ya!
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