Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Will Survive!

OKAY! So, my cousin-in-law Kristie (pretty sure that's not a real term but it works so hey, copyright Melissa Maughan) has kindly reminded me that it has been awhile since I have blogged, but I blogged NINE times last month, which is wayyy above my quota so I can't be getting TOO many complaints. haha. But here's an update of my life recently...

1. Whenever anyone asks an unmarried BYU girl for an "update on your life" we all know the truth. They just want to know what the deal is with my love life! It's okay, I do it too. So here are the "deets". I don't really have a LOT to share. But remember Idaho Brian? well, we're dating now. Oh sorry. That's too general. He's my boyfriend. (Sometimes I forget we are at BYU). yes, he still lives in Idaho, but somehow in the 3 plus weeks that we have been dating we have seen each other like a combined 10 days, or more. which is kinda a lot if you think about us living 250 miles apart. We spent two weekends ago together at his grandpa's house in Tooele (this is where his grandpa backed into my parked car before I had even met him hahaha). We had a really nice weekend, which included making homemade french toast dipped in a special custard (yum!) and a drive up the Tooele canyon, where this picture below was taken.

So then last Thursday night/Friday, we got to hang out again because we went to the Relient K concert in Salt Lake. They were soooo good! Definitely the most entertaining group to watch. We went with his best friend Landon and his wife Amanda. Who are freaking (mmhm sorry. "fetchin'") awesome people! If you can't tell from below, Brian and I are awesome rockers. especially with those nerdy glasses. yurp.

I'm going to spend this weekend with Brian and his family in Salt Lake again, but unfortunately that will be the last time I see Brian for who knows how long (whoa the complication!) but I'll keep ya'll posted, because I know that's all you REALLY wanna know about me.

BUT in case you care about more than my rockin' love life, keep reading! got some interesting stuff.

-I'm going to another concert tomorrow night (what's with these Thursday night concerts?!). Only this time it's the UVUphoria with Cassie Phillips! I love that girl. She's my roommate from last semester if you don't remember, and she's awesome. Seriously. We get to see a whole bunch of artists, but we're definitely the most excited to see Kelly Clarkson! "My Life Would Suck Without You" was our apartment theme song. Cassie got these tickets for me for an early birthday present. Which reminds me, I have less than a month left as a teenager. HALLELUJAH! You know what this means, right?! It means that 1) I need something wild to do in the next month so I can blame it on me being a teenager and 2) it's time for ya'll to start shopping for gifts! :)

-I fly home in NINE days from today! Single digits baby! Weird. This term is flying (yet not fast enough). I'm having very mixed feelings about it--thank you Brian, Jeff, Angie and Christina squared--but I'm so ready to go home and BREATHE. Getting out of Provo is good from time to time.

-I diagnosed myself today. Remember how sick I was in the fall? well it's kinda carried over into winter semester, but again this spring term. It's getting really annoying. But today I was sitting in pathophysiology and I found out what I have. It fits perfectly! Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome: its genetic, and causes changes in your mitral valve and causes heart murmurs (which explains why me and all my siblings have heart murmurs). butttt, it's worse in females, which explains the following symptoms: Palpitations, Tachycardia [rapid heart beat], Syncope [fainting spells], Light-headedness, Fatigue, Anxiety and Chest Pain. now, if there were any words to sum up my health for the last 9 months, these would be them, particularly chest pain, tachycardia and anxiety. And it gets even better. These symptoms are manifested and present in a more serious manner under periods of high stress---perhaps...NURSING SCHOOL!? bingo!
Now I just have to figure out what the treatment is. I hope this disease is going to be on my Patho final, because I'll be sure to get it right.

-Finally, school. Holy cow. I hate it. It's kicking my butt this spring term. never ever ever ever ever take hard classes in the spring. If you stay for spring, take flexibility (where you get to nap) and maybe a jogging class. or floral design. Or calligraphy. but seriously, do NOT take Pathophysiology and Astronomy! Just passing on my word of wisdom. But finals start a week from today, and I'm hoping to be done a week from today, so yay! But to show how I feel, I wanted to share with you this video that my Astronomy teacher should us today in class (when we were talking about aliens...bahaha). This basically sums up my life.


Megan said...

i love your life!!

Alyse Bennett said...

So... about this whole mitral valve prolapse syndrome, have you had a pelvic examination recently? Really, I'm dying to know.

Cami! said...

Brian is quite a cutie - good work!

and also, floral design is a lot harder than it sounds, trust me ... ;-)