Sunday, July 19, 2009

For all single boys looking for an EC.

Warning: this blog post is not intended for the eyes of girls who get jealous easily. Or if they are married/in a serious relationship. I don't want to be responsible for breaking up any relationships or being called a homewrecker. :)

But ladies, c'mon now. Who WOULDN'T want a piece this? I mean, I didn't even drool on myself in this video after getting my wisdom teeth out...haha. (although my mother did tell me later that I had a hard time distinguishing my chin from my lip. Anatomy was a hard class for me.)


Erin said...

Ok. I won't be able to watch that movie with sound til my lunch break, but it looks awesome. Also, how on earth have you not had your wisdom teeth out yet?? All I remember from mine was getting the anethesia, getting told to watch my heart rate drop, watching it go down like 10 bpm, being out cold except I do remember getting a sprite on the way home, and then laying on the couch in a haze drooling on myself drinking sprite and eating jello. SO FUN.

Also, I remember being swollen enough a week later than when we came back from february break a week after getting my teeth out, I was still swollen enough that everyone could tell and I could hardly do solid foods. I lost 10 lbs that week. It was ridiculous. Took me like 2 1/2 weeks to get back to normal.

I'm sure you'll be fine though...

Erin said...

Ok, so I didn't get to watch it until today at lunch, but here's the question:

Do you remember that?

sarah joelle said...

hahahaha. melissa, you make me life. the end.

sarah joelle said...

wow, i meant 'my life'. not 'me life.' i am definitely not a pirate.