Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Well, I've had lots of people asking me how things have been since my lovely accident, so I thought I would give a general update.

Saturday was the day of the accident. The doctor told me that Sunday was going to be the worst day for soreness. He wasn't totally wrong. It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be, but then again, he probably meant that it would hurt if I moved, which I couldn't. haha. So I spent the day resting and reading and watching movies. (Yes, I did skip church, but for some reason sitting through my 4 hours of stake conference meetings in the Smith Fieldhouse bleachers just didn't sound like a smart idea...)

Monday was a pretty good day. I still felt like I had been hit by a train (I kinda was ha) but I was able to walk okay. My neck did start to hurt a bit, and I started to find all these weird bruises and other markings all over my body, but at this point I was only really experiencing pain on my left arm/shoulder (I guess where I collided with the ATV?), a little in my neck, and then right over my kidney, right lower back, and just overall soreness. But here I was thinking I was going to have a speedy recovery. Beep! Incorrect. Try again.

Come Monday night. I laid down to sleep but couldn't because it hurt too bad. It was weird because I had slept pretty well the previous two nights. I tried taking medication, putting my ice packs all over my back, being on my side, being on my back, I even tried the stomach approach (ouch!) but nothing worked. I didn't sleep that night. maybe 15 minutes at a time, but with a couple of hours between each "nap". It was miserable. No more than 45 minutes-hour of sleep.

That made yesterday (Tuesday) pretty miserable. I was hurting more than probably any other day thus far. But too bad nursing has all the classes on one day a week: lovely Tuesday. I had class from 8 am to 8 pm. But I was so tired, and in so much pain that I could only make it through my first two classes before I gave up and went home. I tried to sleep but just ended up relaxing, and doing a little bit of homework. Then came last night to sleep. I got into bed and it was the same as the night before. Way too much pain all over for me to sleep. After 45 minutes, I decided to try something different, so I went to the couch with my pillows, blankets, and ice packs. The moment I laid down the pain was (essentially) gone. It was wonderful!! I slept like a baby for a few hours. I did wake up in pain at some points, but still, far more sleep than the night before.

Today, I'm feeling okay. I'm definitely on the mend. I'm sore, but now it only really hurts when I make transitions. I'm fine when sitting, standing, or walking, but transitioning between that all is very painful. I suppose it's to be expected though. At least I am feeling better and don't need to take painkillers anymore. I'm overall trying to take it a little easier. I'm limiting my activity, especially neck movement (just want to be careful with that fracture). I usually get up at 6 at the latest to get a start on my day, but I'm trying to get more rest than usual so I can heal, so I'm trying to sleep in to 8ish.

I'm healing faster than anyone thought I would, even the doctor. I know that it's not a coincidence. I also know that I was DEFINITELY protected in my accident. I must have been going almost 30 mph down that hill and had I not been able to protect my head from the ATV, I can guarantee you that today I would either be dead, paralyzed, or a vegetable. I have no question about that. I'm just grateful that I was protected for whatever reason, and healing quickly.

Anyway. That's my lengthy, way-too-much-information update. I know you're all wishing I had said "I'm fine" and moved on. Too bad I'm not that way :)

Just a quick shout-out. Thanks to everyone who has been SO supportive and caring over these rough few days. Offering rides, telling me I MUST take it easy, praying for me, thinking of me...And especially those who have brought me food of some kind!!! I got homemade Cafe Rio and banana bread (thanks Alyse!), cinnamon rolls from Shea and Kyle, homemade salsa and tabouli from Aaron, and orange chicken from Camille. I really appreciate everyone for helping, especially those who have just sent me a text to say they're thinking of me, or come over to visit. I love the company :)

So after all this, all I can say again is: DO NOT EVER PLAY CHICKEN WITH AN ATV! You'll regret it. haha

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